Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Leg of lamb revisited

Remember that roast leg from the other day? It qualified for one of the most expensive pieces of meat I have ever purchased. I hesitated to spend more than $35 or so dollars but the sheep lady from 3 Corner Farms promised I would get two meals from it and she was right. So tonight I prepared one of our favorites, pasta with lamb sauce. People always look at me skeptically when I mention this dish because it seems that Americans are more accustomed to pasta with beef or regular old tomato sauce. Well let me inform you, if you have never tried it you are missing a toothsome delight and a great way to use leftover lamb (though it is actually better made with fresh lamb). So simple too..

Recipe for Pasta with lamb sauce

One large onion, diced, 1 carrot diced, shallots or garlic to if you wish, saute in two tablespoons olive oil til' caramelized, add cubed lamb (whatever is left over) large sprigs of rosemary, stir add a cup of wine, let simmer a moment and then add a large can of plum tomatoes, whole or crushed..simmer gently until you child says, "Mama, it smells like dinner." Pour over a big vat of pasta and eat with some formaggio sprinkled on top.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time you make the lamb sauce, let me know-- I'm coming over.