Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Indelicate Exposures: Dare I Reveal?

I know how to keep important secrets but I am not sure that this falls under that category. Why would a friend tempt me so, dangling this fruit of food misbehaviour right under my nose?

They know I will rant. They know I will rave. They know I will have the uncontrollable urge to tell the world of their indiscretions. Yet right before my very eyes they have the chutzpah to do something (that may have been a practice our grandmothers used) which practically caused me to lunge from my chair and remove said item from their child's sweet, unknowing mouth.. I sat at the table in disbelief, thinking it was a mirage and then said to the offender something to the effect of, "How could you? You are begging to be featured on my blog."

Do I dare expose the unmentionable act? What is an honest food blogger mama to do?


Anonymous said...

do tell! do tell!

Bean's Mum said...

Go ahead, I dare you. I can take it. I will be amused and then I will bring my two children to your door and leave them for a week. Ha ha.

Love ___.

Sarah said...

Oh, so it was YOU! I must hear this...

Oh, and L - am in love with your blog. Makes me want to e-a-t.

Izzy's Mama said...

Beans Mum: I may just have to spill the beans..in all fairness, you can just leave the lump...With three who knows what I would have to resort to..

Sarah: Thanks..glad you like the blog..Did you suspect it was Bean's Mum?

Sarah said...

No, I truly did not! Though I would probably need to have more details in order to make a better judgment...