Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Birdbath Bakery: Izzy Paints;Mama Eats

On this horribly rainy Thursday, counter to Izzy's better judgement, we made the trek to the Village for clay class. Once we arrived, despite being soaked, he was happy to be there. Given the bad weather, I thought I might stay and observe but since this was already his fourth time there, he said I should go. So I did.

This meant that I had to come up with some way to keep dry. In the back of my mind was a stop at Birdbath Bakery, which I had passed several times but never entered. It turns out that this newest offshoot from City Bakery would provide ideal shelter from the storm.
Just blocks from Greenwich House Pottery, this calm little oasis is chock full of organic and vegan delights. From scones, to cookies with some unusual pastries in between it was hard to choose. I wanted something different so I tried the Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie and though I don't usually drink coffee, I couldn't resist the "Two-Tone", iced hot chocolate and coffee. The drink and cookie were overkill..too much chocolate, even for me. I would recommend the Vegan cookie, for vegans. I imagine that they would find it quite satisfying. My issue was that it seemed to lack the sweetness of their standard chocolate chip cookie.

Aside from the lure of the baked goods, the very concept of the establishment is what drew me in. The entire shop was designed to be "green"; as recycled and eco-friendly materials are featured throughout. From floor to ceiling it seems that there is a story for each aspect of the bakery. I hope that the owner, Maury Rubin, is making a profit, for his shop is an admirable model of an environmentally -conscious business.

On top of the design appeal of the place, there is also a great neighborhood vibe and I sat and chatted with a handsome young fellow in a jaunty fedora. Apparently a regular, he simply stopped in to keep dry. He was followed by some other regulars who gathered around the wooden benches to enjoy some late afternoon sweets.

I definitely recommend at stop at Birdbath. I know I will find myself holed up there as the weather gets cooler, either for a quick stop with Izzy on the way to class or place to spend a delightful hour while Izzy paints or molds his clay.

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