Surprise! Today my sister-in-law, M., threw a party for my eldest brother, G.'s, 50th birthday. They live in a rural area of New Jersey where apparently people shop for mules. In order to facilitate the surprise, a neighbor invited my brother to go mule-shopping. At first I thought that a 'mule' was the new name for a piece of farming equipment. Alas, no, they were talking live animals.
All of the guests awaited my brother's arrival on his endless expanse of front-lawn. We stood outside in the nippy air for what seemed like ages because something went awry in the mule-shopping plans. Not only that but just as they were making their way back my brother decided to chase a trespassing car through his many acres of woods, bypassing our surprise set-up. We all looked in shock as the car, instead of curving around the corner and toward our group, instead came speeding out of the woods, landing several yards away. I am not sure who was more surprised, him or us...
It all ended well and he was indeed surprised. Izzy was relieved because by this time he had begun to whine for food. It was four o'clock, sort of the snack hour so we quickly made our way inside to begin eating. There was plenty of food which began with baguette slices spread with various toppings. These were followed by platters and platters of sandwiches, pastas, salads and cake. And, lest I forget, the brownies and homemade oreos that I prepared for the party. All in all, an ample spread, with something for everyone. And to be sure, plenty of vegetarian fare.
Izzy partook of all that was offered, eating sandwiches, salad and some desserts. In my mind we had eaten so much that dinner would not be in order. We had a longish trip back and left my brother's house around 6:45. We would be back just in time for bed, around 8. When we got inside, Izzy sat to remove his shoes and asked, "What are we having for dinner?"
I told him that we had already eaten dinner and I took him up to get ready for bed. He was clearly tired and somewhat confused but in some way I understood, for I too could have eaten something else.
Why you wonder? I will explain shortly.
1 comment:
And I thought you were talking shoes! ;-)
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