Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Tale of Two Squashes: Butternut/Ambercup

Roasted squash has stolen my heart, from the butternut a few weeks ago, to the ambercup tonight. In order to compare and contrast their flavors and textures, I roasted them in tandem.

As before, I tossed them with olive oil, fresh thyme, salt and pepper at 425 f, for 45 minutes. The butternut (more commonly found) has a beige-colored skin and light yellow flesh. It has a more watery texture than the ambercup. The ambercup is deep orange on the outside and an even deeper hue of orange on the inside. The ambercup is most similar to the Kabocha, another winner in the squash family. It is sublimely smooth textured and more intensely flavored than the butternut.

I combined the two varieties of roasted squash with applewood-smoked bacon, caramelized red onions and cream. This became a sauce for a decidedly autumnal pasta dish.
The dish, like this photo, still requires some refining so I won't leave you with a definitive recipe. Instead I leave you with thoughts of a winning combination..roasted winter squash, bacon and carmelized red-onions. Could make a fine Thanksgiving side dish or part of a stuffing.. With such flavor, many ideas beckon..


Media-storage Wholesale said...

can you send some over to my house ?

nice blog btw : )
come say hi to me sometimes.. http://evelgal.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Oh please do posta recipe once perfected. It looks soooo good!

Izzy's Mama said...

evelgal:Where do you live? Maybe next time!

Lisa: It was basically just the roasted squash as indicated and I added cream and a tad of butter. Perhaps more cream next time. And plenty of parmesan on top!

Anonymous said...

Yum, yum, yum. I like the idea of using shells with it, too. So they catch all the yummie little nibblets.