Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Eat Fresh, Eat Local: Join A CSA Or Start One
I hope to find an eager bunch of eaters, willing to volunteer and pick up their shares on time. Last year I had to beg for volunteers, never mind the bags of forgotten shares I had to find a home for.
Wherever you live, I urge to you to either join a CSF or start your own. It's as easy as finding a farmer within driving distance and looking for neighbors who want fresh, local produce.
With scary beef in the news, and the tainted spinach of last year, the idea of belonging to a CSA/CSF (community-supported agriculture/farm) is ever more appealing. You get access to great-tasting, pesticide-free produce and you know where and how it was grown.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Cream Cheese Made Me Do It
I know it was understood that I would purchase a container of Ben's Cream Cheese for you every week, when I bought mine. I know it was cruel of me to tempt you and then not deliver the goods. Believe me, I had every intention of doing so this week. In fact, I bought two containers of it. But temptation got the best of me. I got greedy and I had to keep them for myself. You see, Izzy and I have already made the first container disappear. Between breakfast, snacks and sneaking spoonfuls, it was unavoidable and I simply can't imagine going the rest of the week without it.
I blame you anyway. You had to go and mention those Blueberry Cream Cheese Scones. At first they sounded like an abomination but I am definitely warming up to the idea. Maybe if I make those for us for Sunday afternoon, you will forgive me.. Next week I promise to buy at least three packages. I won't let you down.
Izzy's Mama
Happy Belated First Blogaversary To Me: Merguez Soup For You
How could I have forgotten to mark this momentous occasion? Better yet how could you have just let it pass by? Never mind a gift, not even a card or a wish came my way and after all I've offered you..
I can't believe that a year has passed since I started this blog in February 2007 . Since then I have posted over 400 times. I write once a day, if not more and I have rarely skipped a day, not for lack of something to write but rather for lack of time.
When I first began posting, I didn't have a decent camera so my first few posts didn't have photographs. One of the first dishes I wrote about was what we now call Merguez Soup. We all love this dish and it is incredibly simple to make. Tonight we added chopped kale to the recipe and other greens would also work well. It is definitely a meal in a bowl, easy to make in advance and a simple dinner, perfect with salad.
Tonight Izzy helped prepare the soup. He stirred the onions and merguez while they browned, stirred in the tomatoes, added the water and watched it simmer. He also helped tear up the kale which he insisted he didn't like. He told me he would pick it out but then just slurped up three bowls of it, kale and all. The merguez makes the soup special and it comes from 3-Corner-Field Farm a stand at Union Square that I can't rave enough about.
A year later, I marvel at the good fortune I have. I never want for things to write about or eat! Right now I live close enough to all the best foodstuffs the world has to offer. I have the Union Square Greenmarket within 30 minutes from my house and a great farmer who delivers pesticide-free produce to my doorstep (to share with the other members of our CSA) in the warmer months. There are great neighborhood shops in Jersey City and Hoboken and I can take the Path into the city for shopping at some of my other favorite venues.
The icing on the cake? Izzy goes to school half days which gives us more time for cooking, baking and shopping together. Here's looking forward to more years of Izzy Eats, as his palate grows and my pleasure in sharing all that we eat and cook, grows along with him.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Long Day Of Foodie Shoot: Harvest Cart To The Rescue
My photographer friend, Elizabeth, was kind enough to consent to do a "foodie shoot" with me because I happened to need a decent photo of myself and Izzy for a project (fingers crossed) I hope to see in print. At first it was all fun, games and laughter but when it came time to upload the photos, some computer gadgetry went afoul and we had to go back and try to recapture the magic.
The second go round was more grimacing than glowing, with Izzy becoming less and less cooperative. After the second session, we went back to Elizabeth's house for more uploading.
We worked until nearly dinnertime while our boys played so nicely together. When I realized what time it was, I wished I had something to offer them for dinner and we pondered our choices. Then I remembered Harvest Cart, a new comforting take-out choice for downtown Jersey City. They have whole organic rotisserie chickens, several side dishes and more.
Izzy and I ordered a chicken last week and this time I ordered two, along with some roasted potatoes and braised greens. I ran home and put together a salad and in 20 minutes, dinner was on the table for all of us, and Izzy's papa even joined us.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bagel Shmaigel..Let's Talk Schmear
Disputes over the best New York Bagel crop up time and time again. But what about the topping? How many articles or cream cheese comparisons do you read about? In my opinion, the only thing worth topping a bagel with is cream cheese, with butter as an acceptable second. What is a bagel without its cream cheese?
Yet how often does one hear about the cream cheese offerings? Which ones are the most delectable and spreadable? For years I had been partial to the Zabar's variety, which appears to be regular cream cheese, whipped with sour cream to lighten it.
But then I came across Ben's Cream Cheese. It has now become a weekly habit. Must go to Murray's Cheese to buy Ben's..it is smooth, yet not airy or gummy. I sing its praises to the world, for it is unlike store-bought cream cheese and doesn't cost much more than organic. It is so superior it doesn't even need a bagel. In fact I love it on Amy's Semolina Raisin Bread and English muffins too, or just licking it plain, off the knife.
We have been eating it for about the past month or so and I thought Izzy was as smitten with it as I. He has grown up eating Organic Valley Cream Cheese and he is having a difficult time adjusting.
Over a dinner of eggs, beans, bagels and cream cheese tonight he asked, "Mama, why don't you get the other kind of cream cheese anymore?" "Because this one tastes so much better." His response, which can only be born of the "eat what you know" syndrome, "It's not that I don't like the taste, I just want the old kind."
He'll get used to it, I'm sure. Just as I hope he gets more accustomed to good bagels,instead of the Lender's variety his classmates bring in for snack.
Which brings me to my bagel preferences.
Columbia Bagels were my favorite but I rarely bought them because they were too far up town (and have closed down anyway). So I will settle for H & H, Murray's, or Hudson Bagels. In the bagel realm I take the best in close range, or none at all. In fact, Izzy remarked that we almost never eat bagels at home anymore and I realized it was because we don't have any really decent bagel shops in Jersey City. On our way home from pottery class tonight, I bought a few to have for dinner. My cream cheese was begging for them.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Waffle Wizardry: A Work In Progress
I couldn't help but share this creation, born of limited dinner options. Will post when we have perfected the recipe. The possibilities are endless...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Today's Brunch: Waiting Patiently
We had invited friends for brunch at noon. Come 12:15, Izzy was restless and looking for eats. I told him his friends would be arriving shortly. He did not want to eat without them and he was sad because he was hungry. They arrived just in time and suddenly, his hunger was forgotten for a few minutes. Eventually, he and his friend T. made their way to the table.
Izzy and his friend T., feasted upon Belgian waffles (I tweaked the recipe yet again) and fruit salad. Waffles make good finger food although Izzy preferred to use his fingers for the fruit and his fork for the waffles. They both cleaned their plates!
Belgian Buttermilk Waffles ( Inspired by Epicurious)
1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup wheat germ
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups well-shaken buttermilk
3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) unsalted butter, melted and cooled to room temperature
2 large eggs, separated, egg whites whipped to soft peaks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Vegetable oil for waffle iron
Put oven rack in middle position and put a large metal cooling rack directly on it.
Preheat oven to 250°F and preheat waffle iron.
Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl.
Whisk together buttermilk, melted butter, egg yolks and vanilla extract in another bowl, then whisk into flour mixture until just combined. Fold in egg whites.
Brush hot waffle iron lightly with vegetable oil and pour a slightly rounded 1/2 cup of batter into each waffle mold (see cooks' note, below).
Cook waffles according to manufacturer's instructions until golden and cooked through, about 3 minutes. Transfer as cooked to rack in oven to keep warm, keeping waffles in 1 layer to stay crisp. Make more waffles in same manner.
Makes 8 squares, depending upon size of waffle-iron.
Play Food, Not War
And I don't know about you but I just can't help but think that the world would be a far better place if more boys shopped and played with vegetables.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A Truly Alien Universe: Izzy Attends A Party On Mars
The trip there was one of the highlights of the outing (at least for most of the kids) though it could be a bit scary for some. The space vehicle shuddered and shook throughout the five minute simulated voyage, reminiscent of an amusement park ride or a plane going through turbulence. Izzy is still asking if the shuttle blasted through the bricks of the building and how that was possible. Another mom told him it was "pretend". (Hey wait a minute, kids are allowed to believe in Santa (not mine, mind you) but they can't believe that they were in a real spaceship? I am very confused.)
Upon arrival on the red planet, we were left to find our way through the reddened, noisy atmosphere, to balloon festooned tables where ominous sippy cups sat, awaiting an alien beverage (soda?). I pounced on the waitress before she could deliver that and instead opted for watered down punch.
Izzy chose to sit alone at the kids' table so I kept an eye on him from afar. When the food arrived I kept my thoughts to myself, this would be his first taste of a fast-foodesque burger and some sort of chicken fingerish surprise. Despite my disgust, I placed a burger and some fries on his plate along with a good dollop of ketchup and a chicken finger. Then I had to avert my eyes and try really really hard not to think of beef recalls and downer cattle...
I went back to my own table, several tables away when I heard, "Mama, Mama." What was it? He wanted to show me that he was eating what he called, "Chicken Nuggets." Oh, I was oh so delighted to know. Call me when its over please.
Throughout this alien (ating) eating experience, aliens were floating about the room, dancing and shaking hands with the partygoers. Izzy kept his distance.
Then there was cake. It was big, it was brown and it was chocolate. The slice which arrived was enormous. Izzy's friend J.'s dad admonished that too much cake would give J. a bellyache. Izzy only ate a small amount of his, clearly stuffed from the burgerganza. Later on he said, "I listened to J. and didn't eat too much cake today. That was a good idea, right Mama?" A wonderful idea.
The party ended with a trip to the gameroom, which was almost more than I could bear. Too much noise and too many games I would clearly avoid. There were some child-like options but sadly, many were "out of order" so we breezed through as quickly as possible avoiding the guns like the plague.
As we earthlings finally made the return trip..to Broadway and 50th Street, I breathed a sigh of relief, having made it through the harrowing journey. Although it was not my cup of tea, it was a great thrill for Izzy as I am sure it was for the birthday boy. It has certainly sparked his interest in all things space-related and in fact one of the goodie bag surprises was some freeze-dried ice cream.
He had to sample it as soon as we got home. We immediately had to research what astronauts eat and how they eat. I suppose there is good in everything, even trips to alien planets. A new food realm to be explored. I bet you didn't know that Emeril Lagasse and Rachel Ray have both had a hand in creating space food..No comment!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Izzy's Rice Pudding: Snowy Day Comfort
I came up with the following recipe while Izzy shook a stick at every snowflake to hit our yard. We were both delighted with the results.
Izzy's Raspberry Rice Pudding
3 cups milk
1 cup half and half
1/2 cup arborio rice
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
few grinds nutmeg
few pinches of cinnamon
1. Bring milk and half and half to a boil. Add rice, cover and lower to a simmer for 45 minutes.
2. Add remainder of ingredients and simmer 5 minutes more.
3. Serve warm, room temperature, or cold.
Makes about 6 servings
No Taking The Easy Way Out: Izzy's Dinner Choice
Whole-Wheat Penne With Zucchini, Artichoke Hearts and Bacon
1 box whole-wheat penne
Makes 4 servings
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Some Bunnies Like Other Food Too: The Velveteen Rabbit And Lunch at Risotteria
A Study In Substitutes: Banana-Oat Bars
Banana-Oat Bars from Epicurious. Honestly I was in search of something healthier but these seemed like the most appealing choice. In efforts to increase the "healthy" factor, I substituted 1 cup of whole wheat flour for the regular and I decreased the overall amount of sweetener (SUGAR) from about three cups to two, substituting 1 cup of honey for 1 cup of sugar.
The results were pleasing and promising for the use of honey in other recipes. However they in no way, shape or form resembled a bar of any kind. Izzy claimed they tasted like banana bread but I would beg to differ. The honey flavor was prominent and the resulting treat was moist with a large crumb whereas my banana bread drier with a far smaller crumb.
This experiment bodes well for future attempts to use honey or maybe even agave as a sugar substitute. Meanwhile, Izzy and his friend J., happily gobbled up large mouthfuls of this newest banana concoction without complaint.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Shopping At Murray's: More Than Cheese
In the past few weeks, I've had a bit of time to linger at Murray's, while Izzy, the prolific potter, molds clay around the corner at Greenwich House Pottery. There are all sorts of choice morsels to be had. From Niman Ranch Pastrami to alici anchovies and everything in between. What didn't I want to try?
There are fresh pastas, olive oils, pastured eggs, yogurts of all kinds, in-house cooked meats (of the turkey, pork ilk), sweets (chocolates galore) a small ice-cream freezer and countless other goodies that I have yet to unearth. The only thing missing is produce. I am in awe of how much wonder is crammed into that small space and I have yet to mention the one foodstuff (from the dairy section) that has me returning to Murray's for a weekly fix (deserving of a its own future post to be sure).
While shopping today, I spied Rob Kaufelt, the owner of Murray's and Nina Planck's boyfriend. If that isn't a match made in food heaven, I don't know what is. She, the champion of Real Food, with a boyfriend who provides a never-ending supply. What more could one ask for?
Celebrity musings finished, back to today's groceries. I picked up some marinated artichoke hearts, Niman Ranch Ham, an intriguing Vermont cheese (more on that after tasting), and some ridiculously expensive eggs, which must be the ones Nina spoke of at a reading once. Back then I wondered why her eggs cost $6 a dozen while the ones I buy at the Greenmarket cost $3..I will need to do a comparison.
Until then I need to go to sleep. Good night eggs, good night moon, good night all that Murray's crams in one room.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Cooking Instructions From The Wienie Man? (A childhood song resonates)

He owns a wienie stand (He parks it in front of his house).
He sells most anything (not really).
From hotdogs to ham (hotdogs, soda and water is all).
Some day I'll join his life (very doubtful).
I'll be his wienie wife (he's already married, me too).
Hotdog, I love that wienie man! (have never even bought a wienie from him, they're not organic).
On weekdays, you can find the wienie man in front of Hamilton Park. He and his wife are a hardworking couple. We often see them pushing their cart past our house on their way to and from work. Every now and then, Izzy asks, "Why don't we ever buy hotdogs from the wienie man?" Hmmm.."Well we don't eat the kind of hotdogs he sells. They aren't organic."
Organic hotdogs or not, Izzy is somewhat in awe of the wienie man. And apparently has observed him carefully. This all came out at lunchtime today over some Niman Ranch Fearless Franks (not exactly organic but made with humanely raised beef and no nitrites).
If you know me, you know that hotdogs are a rare meal around our house. The older Izzy gets, the more I hear about how his best pals at school seem to lunch on cut-up wienies on a regular basis. I explain that we only eat wienies at home, and only on special occasions.
Today turned out to be that special occasion. Our cupboard was bare and the only thing I could conjure up was a frozen package of wienies. I figured a wienie was a good way to celebrate President's Day, especially if honoring our current one. When Izzy saw the package he was delighted so I boiled up two and placed them on buns, along with a small salad.
Izzy immediately requested some ketchup on his wienie. I began to squirt some on the dog when Izzy stopped me. "Don't you know how to put ketchup on a wienie, mama?"
I explained that I never used much ketchup and that I wasn't fond of it. He proceeded to tell me that the "right" way to apply ketchup was directly on the bun. "How do you know the right way to put ketchup on?" I asked.
"I saw the wienie man do it."
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Scrounging In The Kitchen: Making Do
So what have we eaten since Thursday you ask?
Izzy: Green Split Pea Soup
Me: Turkey sandwich with romaine lettuce and mayo
Izzy: Turkey sandwich with mayo
Me: Leftover lamb and mashed potatoes
A. Leftover Zans Cans Chili
All of us: Whole Wheat English Muffins with cream cheese and jam
Izzy and I: Roast turkey sandwiches again
A.: Wasabi peas (apparently he doesn't always need to eat)
All of us: The worst rendition of pasta with bacon and eggs (next time it is good, will post the recipe)
All of us: Blueberry Belgian Waffles with Diced Mango
Grilled A. and I.: Avocado/Cheddar Cheese Sandwiches
Izzy: MORE Roast turkey, this time with romaine and mayo
Dinner: Saved from facing an empty fridge by Grandma Laurie who invited us for dinner. Zipcar came in handy for a quick trip to Grandpa Joe's house.
We were greeted with these decadent little appetizers ( if I had only known we would not have had grilled cheese for lunch!). Mini-truffled grilled cheese squares..
The meal continued with a large salad, full of raw mushrooms, radishes, cucumbers, peppers and other tidbits that we usually don't have at home. Izzy was somewhat suspicious and only agreed to a few choice tidbits. He was clearly concerned about the rest of the meal and asked, "Is this all we are having for dinner?" It occurred to him that if he didn't eat the salad, there might not be anything else.
Lucky for him, a big casserole full of chicken vindaloo arrived beside him, with a smaller casserole of basmati rice. He was happy to indulge in a large portion of the vindaloo which contained plenty of vegetables, including parsnips and broccoli. It was definitely amongst one of our healthiest meals this weekend (if we forgot about those truffled grilled cheese bites... ) Thanks to Grandma Laurie, we managed to have at least one proper meal this weekend.
Definitely an odd weekend in the food department. I imagine that tomorrow the days of self-imposed scarcity will end and I will manage to get to the supermarket.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Consolation Prize: Little Red and Jacques Torres
But for today the plan was to divert his attention. So our friends R. and M., picked us up this morning. I found us a play in the East Village, called Little Red, which turned out to be far worthier than its tiny theatre and tiny price would imply. For just eight bucks, we were treated to a musical review and alterna-tale of Little Red Riding Hood, featuring vegetarian wolves, a hip-hop loving red riding hood, a grandma who said "Oy" and mother who squelched her passions through baking. All this in 40 minutes definitely deserves an extended run. There are still a few performances so RUN, don't walk to get your tickets!
After the show, my plan was a trip to the Jacques Torres shop on Hudson Street. Izzy and his friend M., were screaming for a snack and with the luxury of being in a car, we sped over there and parked in front. Thick hot chocolates and croissants were had by all. The classic version was preferable to the orange. Basically they have a hot chocolate bar and a few scattered tables. I was disappointed because it certainly wasn't a place to linger with kids, make sure you go to the loo beforehand, as there are none on the premises. The most appealing aspect of the experience is the view of the production line. The kids were riveted by the workers creating chocolate bunnies and other sweets behind glass.
By the end of the day, our canceled trip seemed just a vague memory. Here's hoping it remains that way.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Journey To An Unknown Food-World: POSTPONED
Izzy and I had been perusing the resort's website, imagining ourselves splashing with mermaids in the hot sun, fashioning sandcastles and sipping cool lemonade. Truthfully I think Izzy was imagining returning to the Jersey Shore, since that is his latest beach memory. I, on the other hand, was beginning to fret over what we would eat there. I had heard tell that "all inclusive" resorts were not necessarily known for high quality food. As my stepmother L. mentioned, "Don't expect to find organic."
Despite our reservations, Izzy and I were duly excited for our upcoming trip. He actually packed his suitcase a few days ago and I had begun to pack mine (with plenty of snacks, just in case). Then, late this afternoon, the phone rang with some rotten news. My dad's passport expired on Monday and he would be unable to join us. I was disappointed but Izzy was distraught, sobbing over his lost vacation. It was late afternoon, never a good time to break bad news to a child and his cries were pitiful.
When he finally calmed down, I discovered an odd light at the end of the tunnel. We would be able to attend his great friend, C.'s birthday at MARS 2112 next weekend, which will surely be another sort of journey to the unknown.
And, we have a new date for our trip in March and hopefully everyone will be able to make it.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
No Lamb Roast For Izzy?
Izzy was in dour spirits, which came with the realization that he was not going to be included in tonight's festivities, specifically our dinner. It is so rare that we do not dine together, that it was especially disconcerting to my dear boy.
He saw the lamb marinating and was gravely disappointed to discover that he would not be partaking. A few hours of whining ensued, to the tune of, "I don't want five pierogi. I only asked for four. Why are there more potato than cheese? I will NOT eat the extra potato. Why are you going to eat that lamb without me? Could you at least save some for me for tomorrow?" And on and on it went, culminating in high-pitched singing up the steps and while brushing teeth. Lights out at eight and not a peep to be heard since.
Meanwhile the tiny roast was sizzling in the oven. I came down and put the potatoes on for mash, and some asparagus on to blanch. Blue cheese and bread to nibble, red wine to sip. Valentine's Day Dinner was in the making.
For My Littlest Valentine And His School Friends
I am still awake rolling out the dough, cutting out the hearts, filling them with raspberry jam and dusting them with powdered sugar. I promised Izzy I would bring something tomorrow and a promise is a promise.
These are the plainest of "Linzer" hearts because I prepared them without nuts, using a recipe given to me by an old baker friend, B., who I worked with in a French bakery in Dumont, N.J., way back when. They are a very delicate butter cookie. Back then, as a neophyte baker, I thought these cookies were the cat's pajamas. I still think they are swell. And if I do say so myself, they are an adorable sight to behold.
Wishing a sweet Valentine's Day to all...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Moustache Mania: Dining Out With Friends
Not only are the pitas noteworthy but the other food is enticing as well, with a fabulous merguez sandwich and wonderful vegetarian salad options too.
Monday, February 11, 2008
A Cooking Play Date: Zans Cans Chili (More Suess Stuff)
I had to modify the recipe just a touch (despite Izzy's protests) so that I could eat it too. Izzy's friend O. joined us for the preparation, which for the boys basically meant opening the cans (learning to use a can opener is important, no?) and stirring the various components as they were added.
While the chili bubbled away, the boys played. When it was finished, I offered up tastes. Izzy was more than thrilled to have some but O. shied away from the dish, defying my theory that most children will eat what they cook. I suppose there is an exception to every rule, eh?
Although Izzy gobbled it up, I hesitate to share the recipe since even with tweaking, it was still lacking.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Lemon Squares With A Whole Wheat Crust
I found this recipe for lemon bars, which seemed to be well-thought out and executed from the looks of it. But I couldn't leave well enough alone. I doubled the recipe and then decided to use half whole wheat/half white flour for the crust. I had to bake the crust for about 8 minutes longer than indicated, which I also had to do with the filling (maybe the timing was off on the original?).
The results looked reasonably good but I found the crust to be somewhat doughy, rather than light. Whole wheat flour tends to produce leaden baked goods and it usually better to err on the side of less rather than more when substituting. I must confess that the real reason behind the substitution was that we had run out of regular flour and Izzy was having a p.j. day (more on that soon).
The doughy crust didn't seem to bother anyone but they probably haven't eaten a light, crusty square lately either.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Blueberry-Lemon Scones
Blueberry-Lemon Scones
1. 1 1/2 cups unbleached flour
2. 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
3. 1/3 cup sugar
4. 1 tablespoon baking powder
5. 1/2 teaspoon salt
6. 6 tablespoons butter
7. 1/2 cup heavy cream
8. 1 egg, beaten
9. 1 teaspoon meyer lemon or regular lemon zest
10. 1/2 cup frozen blueberries sprinkled with tablespoon flour
11. Extra cream and cinnamon sugar for topping (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 425 F. and combine dry ingredients.
2. Add butter, chopped into small pieces and mix until butter is pea-sized.
3. Add blueberries and zest and mix lightly to incorporate.
4.Mix cream and egg together, add to dry ingredients slowly, just until dough forms. Knead briefly and form a ball. The trick is to handle dough as little as possible.
5. Cut ball in half and roll out each half into a circle about 5 inches wide. Cut into 5-6 wedges. Roll out second half and do the same.
6. Brush tops with a bit of heavy cream and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
7. Bake at 425 F. for 12-15 minutes or until tops are lightly browned.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Was Peanut Butter The Culprit?: A Vist To The Allergist
The doctor, highly acclaimed pediatric allergist, Dr. Paul Erhlich, was among the kindest, gentlest doctors I have ever visited (and, small world, it turns out that Izzy has played with his grandkids in the park). Izzy immediately felt at ease with him which made everything go that much more smoothly.
And what did we find out?? So far, negative on all counts. He said there are rarely false negatives but since the incident happened so recently, it would be best to wait two more weeks and then retest, along with a few other potential allergens.
Meanwhile, we still have to keep away from peanuts, sesame and their ilk. The good news is that I needn't be as vigilant as I thought. Chocolate produced in a factory where peanut products are used will be just fine!!! Bring back the mini-morsels and Ghiradelli! A cause for celebration in and of itself. Not to mention that I no longer need to envision a life sans eggs, wheat and Birnn Chocolates.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Something Smells Fishy Around Here: Of Spilled Paint and Fish Pies
We arrived at H's house after school only to find ourselves in the midst of a family crisis. A smell of fish permeated the air, N. was wandering around with her tush pointing skywards (in the throes of potty-training) and poor I. was blubbering after having heedlessly tossed a can of paint all over the living room carpet. H. was in desperate need of either Calgon or a glass of sherry.
Izzy and I removed our shoes and joined the chaos. Izzy sniffed around and said, "What's that smell?" (kids are always so subtle, aren't they?). His friend replied, "It's fish pie." After trying to play with the kids upstairs while H. cleaned up, I managed to give her a break and take them all back to my house. I entertained them with Pink Ink Yink Drinks, scones and red pears.
They all sat round the table bubbling drinks and amusing themselves for half an hour, followed by some good-old fashioned child's play of their own invention. They created a runway and became airplanes landing, whilst I played goose patrol, monitoring the little N., so she wouldn't get tangled in the fuselage of landing planes.
The merriment continued until dinnertime, at which point I bundled the kids up and brought everyone back to H.'s house. When we arrived, the aromas were far more inviting, the table was set and general calm had returned. I knew we were in for a comforting meal.
The fish pie turned out to be the fish version of shepherd's pie, prepared with cod, salmon, shrimp and hard-boiled eggs. The fish are cooked in milk and then strained. The milk is then reserved to make a roux. The fish and roux are combined with a few other things like capers and parsley and then poured into a baking dished which is then topped with mashed potatoes. The steaming pie was a beautiful sight as it arrived at the table, steaming and golden brown. Served with broccoli rabe it was a soothing, warm dish for a winter's night.
Everyone dug in. The grown-ups had some wine and hopefully the paint will be gone from the rug tomorrow.
p.s. Izzy and I will be trying to make our fish pie one of these days.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Liberty Science Center: Play and Eat
We went there today to celebrate Izzy's friend C.'s birthday. It was just the two of them because Izzy won't be around for C.'s big party. They played with C.'s younger brother D. who climbed up to the top of a climbing apparatus and became too afraid to descend on his own. I was so proud of Izzy when he offered to rush up and "save" D. He tried to gently prod him along (and did pull on him a bit too vigorously) but all and all he did assist in getting him back down.
After an hour or so of excitement the inevitable cries for drinks and snacks arose. I usually bring my own snacks but all I had was an apple. I had no choice but to agree to getting something at the cafeteria. I was relieved to discover that they actually have a small organic section with Horizon Organic Milk and applesauce which Izzy was more than happy to eat.
They also have a none too shabby-looking salad bar and some hot food (which had no appeal, given a previous experience with Mac and Cheese).
Granted they also have a section of candy and other less healthy snacks.
Yet f you pick and choose wisely you can find something healthy and satisfying. Cafeteria food sure is looking up these days.
So if you are seeking a stress-free afternoon, look no further than The Liberty Science Center (easily accessible from NYC as well).
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Waffle-Iron Meets Untimely End
Someone left the waffle-iron out in the rain. Okay, that someone was me. I was trying to eradicate a little moth problem and the box seemed to have an infestation. I placed the box and waffle iron outside in my yard, along with a few other infested items and promptly forgot about them.
I remembered it was out there well after the rain had drenched my poor electric appliance, one of our favorite wedding gifts. This waffle-iron met an unfortunate end but one of the lights was broken and it may have been time for a new one anyway.
Izzy and I eat waffles regularly so I was certain I would find a replacement soon enough. Sadly, weeks have slipped past and my search for the perfect waffle iron has come up empty. Izzy and I looked at a few in Zabar's but I passed them up.
This weekend, Izzy had a hankering for some waffles and he reminded me that we do own another waffle iron. A non-electric, stove-top model. We have never used it together because I became lazy, so accustomed to awaiting the beep beep beep of my electric model. The stove-top model requires greater effort but on Sunday we discovered it was worth the trouble.
Belgian Buttermilk Waffles (From Epicurious)
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups well-shaken buttermilk
3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) unsalted butter, melted and cooled to room temperature
2 large eggs
Vegetable oil for waffle iron
Put oven rack in middle position and put a large metal cooling rack directly on it.
Preheat oven to 250°F and preheat waffle iron.
Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl.
Whisk together buttermilk, melted butter, and eggs in another bowl, then whisk into flour mixture until just combined.
Brush hot waffle iron lightly with vegetable oil and pour a slightly rounded 1/2 cup of batter into each waffle mold (see cooks' note, below).
Cook waffles according to manufacturer's instructions until golden and cooked through, about 3 minutes. Transfer as cooked to rack in oven to keep warm, keeping waffles in 1 layer to stay crisp. Make more waffles in same manner.
Makes 8 squares, depending upon size of waffle-iron.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Venison Sliders: A Most Brilliant Invention
What is a Venison Slider you ask? It seems to be a chopped venison patty(combined with something fatty?), topped with cheese and placed on a mini-brioche-like bun, held together with a toothpick and a cornichon.
I am not a true burger eater. I do not wax poetic over White Castle or other mini-burgers of that ilk and nowadays the thought of eating a burger worries me unless I know the provenance of the beef. Was it grass-fed? Locally raised? Despite those reservations about beef, I ask no questions about the Venison Slider and this is why.
It is a burger creation which appeals on so many levels. Flavor and health are the first that come to mind as well as the unexpected use of venison in a burger. I can eat venison without worrying about contracting "mad-deer disease" and I can assume that it was permitted to graze. Haven't heard of grain-fed deer yet, have you?
Perhaps the owners of Ox have started a trend and Venison Sliders will begin cropping up on menus everywhere. Not that they could equal the original. So go now, to the Bar at Ox and grab a slider while you can. You won't be able to eat just one.
The Dreaded Peanut Allergy: Please Say It Isn't So
Yesterday, after having eaten some apple slices slathered in peanut butter (a great snack for the allergy-free), he broke out in a horrible rash which began on his neck and crept up and down his body. Splotches and welts, puffy eyes and lips. The doctor recommended some treatments and said it sounded like a food allergy, possibly peanut.
The rash began on Saturday morning and although it has lessened, continued until bedtime tonight. We already started to eliminate any possible peanut sources from his diet until we see the doctor.
This whole food allergy thing is scary, particularly if it is a deadly one. This will be a whole new food world to navigate, not to mention the epi-pens and other paraphernalia.
As for eating at home, it probably won't impact our cooking too much. I have never been particularly keen on peanuts anyway and we don't really eat much that contains them but it seems that above all, his chocolate consumption will be curtailed. So many packages of plain chocolate post warnings about being wrapped in factories that process nuts or peanuts. My husband suggests ridding our home of all chocolate..What a dismal prospect. There must be some peanut-free chocolate out there. If not, I will make some!
Buttermilk Biscuits For Breakfast: A Weekend Favorite
A lazy weekend morning is my favorite time to make them. Yesterday they were Izzy's choice. He especially gets a kick out of cutting his own shapes.
Buttermilk Biscuits
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter, cubed
3/4 cup buttermilk (or 1/2 cup regular milk)
1. Preheat oven to 450 F.
2. Mix dry ingredients.
3. Add butter and incorporate until size of small peas
4. Add liquid all at once and mix until dough holds together. Knead minimally until smooth.
5. Divide into two. Roll out one ball and cut out circles (or men) and then repeat.
6. Place on baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes or until lightly golden.
Makes 10-12 biscuits
Note: Use the best quality butter you can.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Merry Old Land of OX: Visit Three
shock of all shocks,
I had a date with my husband at
the restaurant Ox.
We sat at the bar
the most fun by far,
with drinks oh so fizzy
making me dizzy.
Never mind drinks and other fanfare
The venison sliders
are beyond all compare.
These incredible patties of venison meat,
are a juicy, ribsticking, delectable treat.
If you have yet to try Ox,
now is the time.
Food and service have improved
since my last time.
If you have been having any qualms about dining at Ox, don't hesitate. We were thrilled with our meal, even at the bar. And if you can't afford to eat there, stop at the bar and just have drink and a $3.00 venison slider, an amazing bargain for such an incredible bar snack.