It wasn't exactly his fault. He had a very busy day on Saturday and come Sunday morning he was still exhausted from all sorts of shenanigans. What he needed was a lazy sort of day at home. He did not seem keen on any adventures and he was more interesting in staying home and having an art sale. I was certainly torn. The market was calling to me but how could I discourage my budding artist and entrepreneur?
I couldn't, especially since I knew that an unwilling five year old would not have made my market day bright. So instead I helped in the art sale endeavor. Providing foods, beverages and display support as Izzy proceeded to arrange his wares on the stoop, just as he did last year, awaiting eager buyers. When things were slow, he decided he needed to paint outside, so passersby would see the artist at work.
Izzy concocted this art sale concept one day last year, after having been stuck at home for a few days during some sickness or another. He had been painting non-stop and accumulated many works. As he pondered what to do with them all, he came up with the art sale idea, modeled after a stoop sale. Turned out to be a success, hence his interest in doing it again.
The market was a bit of a goat rodeo if you ask me. It was very (VerY) crowded and hot, and rainy, and close. Maybe if they ever get to actually move into the market, it will be better, because right now, the booths are just too close together for comfort and proper schmoozing/boozing/eating. Maybe next time! I think you & Izzy had a nicer day.
I blog but my children are grown, not adults perhaps, but grown.
Ann: Love the"goat rodeo" image. Thanks for making me feel better! Did you sample anything new and exciting?
NTSC:Having older children probably gives you more time for blogging. Or is that wishful thinking?
Hooray for Izzy. Good job on the stoop!
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