Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No Food For Me...

Yom Kippur, the day of atonement has arrived. Not only is this a time to fast but it is also a time to reflect upon what and who we have done wrong during the past year. Tonight, after attending services (at least part of them, since Izzy joined me and we couldn't stay for very long), I came home to clean out my fridge. After all, as I cleanse my body through fasting, I figured my fridge could use a thorough cleansing as well.

As I dug into the depths of my crisper drawer, I came face to face with one of my major failings in the past year...

Moldy tomatillos, mushy onions, wilted par-cel and sodden eggplants were only some of the vegetables I encountered which were destined for fridge compost. All of this wasted food is a terrible shame, on so many levels. What an awful example I am setting for Izzy. Surely I can change. But how?

If you have overcome fridge compost issues, do send tips as I pledge to do better next year.


Anonymous said...

I have never heard of putting onions in the refrigerator!

Maybe you can find someone in your neighborhood to whom you could donate a portion of your veggie delivery every week. (A nice old lady neighbor who likes to cook or a family who could use some help?)

Izzy's Mama said...

Miss B: ??? I keep onions in the fridge so as not to cry while chopping them.

The problem with giving the veggies away is that I have high hopes that I will actually use them. There are NO nice old ladies around here!!