Every so often, well actually too often, I check my Site Meter. In case you don't know what that is, it is a nifty feature which allows me to see track details about my fans. Depending upon how they log on I can figure out where they are from and how they have found my site. I scan the list for the unusual. Neighboring areas don't pique my interest quite so much. Instead I focus on readers from far-flung locales who spend inordinate amounts of time reading my blog. I mean, I know it is riveting and all but come on. At least make yourself known. At least send me a comment or two, instead of lurking out there in the shadows.
At one point, a fan in Singapore was reading every single page of my blog. Was it simply innocent or were they stealing my material (don't do it!) More recently I have taken pause at a fan in Perth, Australia, who spends oodles of time perusing the pages.
I am curious to know who you are. I somehow don't think its fair that you know so much about me but I know nothing about you. I write and I write. You read and read and read. What thanks do I get?
I'm not far flung, but I feel compelled to comment anyway. I'm assuming that this entry is at least a little bit tongue-in-cheek (hopefully a lot tongue-in-cheek). If it's not, I have to say that accusing your readers of stealing your material doesn't exactly create a welcoming environment for commenters. Especially for readers whose native language may or may not be English and may or may not be as willing to read sarcasm into the writings of a stranger as a boring local is.
anonymous: But of course it is! I actually imagined those readers to be expatriot Americans or English speakers though one never knows. As for local readers did I insinuate boring? It is merely that I suppose my writings would be more relevant to local readers so their stats don't stand out in the same way. I am rambling..goodnight.
Mmm i'm from Singapore and i don't know the person you're talking about might just be me because i remember clearly at one point in time i read through every single page because i found it amazingly intriguing, the kind of eating lifestyle you have as it's so far removed from what i know, and i believe i don't even know anyone around me who adheres to such a strict set of regulations as your family does.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Far from it, I really admire what you're doing for your son because it looks like he's definitely going to grow up to be someone very knowledgeable about food and his environment. And that's a fantastically good thing.
I'm definitely not an expatriot or anything, nor am i of caucasian descent or anything like that, but my native language is english and i kind of do agree with the anon before me that your tone sometimes does sound a tad bit caustic rather than just sarcastic, like in this one, that generally gives an air of unfriendliness, no matter your intention of writing in such a manner. Ah. I don't mean to criticize, it's just a passing thought (:
Hi! I'm not far-flung, but I just wanted to say how I enjoy your blog. I'm an ex-pat New Yorker in Florida (now a BLUE state, woohoo!), & your Chicken in Every Granny Cart won me over. Your writing style & descriptions remind me of home--and make me hungry. I'm a mom trying to get her kids to learn good food habits, expose them to new flavors, and go as organic/locally-grown as feasible. Your blog announcements in my inbox help me keep the faith!
I have to say I don't really notice a sarcastic tone , though today's post is obviously tongue-in-cheek to a US reader. Or maybe just a New Yorker. Irony & biting wit are never lost on me, & I've been told by a few folks that smart-ass should be my middle name, LOL!
Delurking from the other coast to say I love watching you, Izzy, and the gang eating your way through life.
"What thanks do I get?"
Would you and Izzy like a copy of my new cookbook, Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids? Drop me email with a mailing address and I'll get the publisher to shoot one your way.
Your voice is both compelling and strangely forbidding. I could hear the old teasing Jewish grandma in your voice, but I'm not sure how well that very inside-Jersey tone translates in Singapore...
Anonymous in Singapore: Amazing that I may have more than one reader there. I love having a vision of who my readers are. Since my "eating lifestyle is so different" from yours, I'd love to hear about what one eats in Singapore. I have absolutely no idea! Oh and I truly don't mean to be unfriendly. Sarcastic sometimes but I really do like to engage and help people get their kids to eat better!
Aember: I am a bit confused about the Chicken Granny Cart reference (it's a blog I read too)but I am glad my blog inspires..that is my intent. If you ever come back to the city we shall have to dine out together. How old are your kids?
Kitchenmage: I am thrilled you enjoy my tales and I am insanely jealous that you have published a cookbook. You don't need to ask twice. I definitely want a copy! THANK YOU!
Anon: Oops, I stand corrected. Funny I had an inkling it was mispelled but the spellcheck didn't pick up on it..Do you know me? For everyone who does definitely sees the Jewish grandma. She was the woman with the greatest influence on me.
Sorry! I meant your blog about "Roast Chicken Issues", in which you talked about the blog, "A Chicken in Every Granny Cart". Crossed my wires & got the titles confused. I've got a 13-, 9-, & 4-year-old, and a finicky 43-year-old, if you count hubby. Hard to keep all the palates pleased!
I'm one of the people who has recently been working through the archives, but this time from the other coast of Australia, in Melbourne, Victoria (: Our baby boy is 6.5 months old and I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog, but it might have had something to do with BLW. I do admire how you've shaped Izzy's experiences with food so he's such an interesting eater. I'm hoping to do the same with our boy, or at least so that I'll have someone to eat all sorts of vegies with, seeing as his dad's a little bit picky in that department!
Droidy: What is BLW? Should I know but my mind is too foggy after a long day to recognize it? Whatever it is, glad you found me and are getting something out of Izzy's adventures. With patience and experimentation, your little one will soon be eating everything too!
BLW: baby-led weaning, baby-led introduction of solids, none of this forcing food into baby's mouth, letting him feed himself with a bunch of things. I'm sure there's a snappy one sentence definition of it somewhere, but it's not in me this morning to come up with it! So far our boy has loved the savoury side of things we've offered - he loved the pasta with vegies and mince, fusilli were the right size for his hands to grab and put in his mouth!
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