The cold weather has brought in a spate of Chinese food and Izzy and I have begun to consider Grand Sichuan as our second kitchen. We seem to find ourselves eating food from there at least once a week. We are often on our way home from visiting Grandpa and it is a convenient, warm stop.
Last week, as we awaited our order, Izzy was listening to the buzz of Chinese words floating around us. He turned to me to ask why he wasn't learning how to speak Chinese. I said I wasn't sure but that he was learning to speak French and Spanish. It was then he announced that he also wanted to learn Chinese. He explained that some of his classmates were learning it and that he wanted to as well. My first inclination was to refuse his request as I don't approve of over scheduling but he kept asking so I finally told him he could give it a try.
At his first class, the teacher promptly outfitted him with a traditional hat. He was captivated and despite the fact that he has French class immediately afterwards, he insists he can do it. He can already count past ten and he is excited for his next class. Who knows, if this all works out, one day he can take me to a restaurant in Chinatown and order for us in Chinese!!
Where is he taking lessons?
I'm sorry...this one makes me want to vomit. And I don't really believe the conversation you had with your son about wanting to learn chinese. If it is true, then, please please do something to make him a little more relatable to children his own age. He's not your pet, you know.
Bean's Mum: He takes Chinese after school at Montessori.
In response to your disbelief..
His exact words were, "How come I don't take Chinese class?" And the reason? His Kindergarten teacher just so happens to be Chinese (and counts in Chinese in class) and he likes her very much. It's a shame that you find a child's innate curiosity and interest in the things around him so implausible. I certainly have no reason or inclination to invent stories here as I do this partially as a keepsake for Izzy. As they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
Also keep in mind, I am not like you, my child is not like yours. That's what makes the world go round.
And by the way, he relates to his peers quite well thank you. They take Chinese too!
You might consider this in the future..
I don't eat things that make me want to vomit, nor would I read things that disturb me; so do yourself favor and stop reading my blog if you find it so reprehensible.
You Go Girl!!!!!
I'm new here landed up searching blogs on resources on Learning Chinese. cool blog you have here, keep it up. and its nice to be here. i'll be back some time later for more updates.Thanks for sharing with us....
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