One of the few benefits to having a traveling husband (aside from the obvious fact that he remains gainfully employed), is that he often finds himself in chocolate-centric locales, like France and Switzerland. I have never requested any treats from Switzerland, having never been there, it never occurred to me.
But then my friend L. told me that her husband had recently returned from a trip to Switzerland bearing a few boxes of first-rate chocolates. It just so happened that A. was there at the time so I not-so-subtly made mention of the best chocolate shops in Zurich, hoping that at least one was in close proximity to his hotel.
When A. returned from his travels, Izzy and I were both tickled pink to receive this lovely blue tin of Sprungli Chocolates. We shared the box until Izzy decided he wanted his faithful Birnn again. No problem at all, more for me! And here's dreaming that these will be the first in a long future of other lovely boxes of Swiss chocolates coming this way.
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