at the NJ area LLL conference, April 25, 2009
Attending La Leche League conferences is always a joy. It is heartwarming to be surrounded by such a large group of like-minded mothers, women devoted to nurturing their children and to helping others do the same. The conferences are also a great opportunity to hear the voices of wisdom speak and this year was a stellar one in that respect. Marian Tompson (one of the founding mothers of LLL) and Ina May Gaskin (a midwifery guru) were both on hand to share their latest ponderings with us.
This year, as in years past, Izzy has joined me at the conference, playing in the children's activity room while I "go to Mama school". I don't ordinarily choose to sleep over because I would rather not subject myself to a freezing cold impersonal hotel with less than mediocre food. I opted to stay over for one night this year because our group won the privilege of having breakfast with Ina May Gaskin and Marian Thompson. I couldn't pass up the opportunity so on Friday evening, we drove down with M. and her family. I packed a picnic dinner for us, along with loads of snacks.
We arrived at dinnertime and Izzy and were able to partake of the crudites offered at the hotel, which we supplemented with our truffled chicken sandwich. The food only deteriorated from there, as the next morning I paid around $25 for a bagel, some sliced fruit, a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea. Lunch was not much better. Izzy had spaghetti with tomato sauce (I wouldn't allow the meatballs) and I had some vegetarian dish with vegetables, pasta and cheese.
This year, as in every other year at the conference, I lamented the food served. Some years I have even opted out of lunch. I chose not to go that route this year since not having a seat with the others is less than convivial. So it was that Izzy and I sat eating the unappealing offerings, listening while other moms complained about them too. Granted we are there to listen and learn and not to eat but even so, why does the hotel food have to be so abysmal?
LLL of Ks conference food is not any better. I tend to choose to eat because I love spending time and getting to know other moms from around the state.
Kristin: I think the problem lies with the hotel and the types of foods they offer. It is definitely more fun to sit with everyone and endure the food rather than bring your own.
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