Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Very Momentous Birthday Party: Grandpa's 100th...

There were two cakes. One was vanilla with chocolate frosting, as per Grandpa's request.

The other was his favorite strawberry cheesecake, easier for him to eat right now.

Not that much cake was eaten, after we filled our bellies with bagels, cream cheese, lox, whitefish salad, sturgeon, quiche, fresh fruit and grilled vegetables.

Grandpa and his 99 year old brother, Julius, engage in lively conversation. The "Yiddish twins" are 364 days apart. Amazing!

Couldn't get Izzy to pose with the birthday boy, but I needed a memento of this momentous occasion.

Here Izzy takes a break from Legos as the party carries on around him.

Posing with Grandpa..

Just like last year, my brother and his girlfriend S., did a wonderful job hosting, and a fine time was had by all. Looking forward to 101.

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